Deep Blue Drawdown

Scalable Solutions to the World's Biggest Problem

Our best chance to halt and ultimately reverse anthropogenic climate change is to kickstart the urgent need for carbon drawdown using rapid iterations of promising technical solutions that work in concert with the massively scalable natural processes inherent to kelp.

Kelp grows 400x faster than terrestrial plants (like carbon sequestration forests). When oceanic kelp is sunk to a depth below 1000m (where CO2 becomes heavier than water) it will continue to drop to the seafloor. If the material becomes covered in sediment, its eventual re-emergence would be measured on the geologic time scale.

Deep Blue Drawdown leverages the natural carbon sequestration cycles of saccharina latissima (sugar kelp) and advanced tech built with basic “off the shelf” materials to create a high tech low tech solution that, at scale, could capture and remove billions of tons of carbon from our atmosphere catalyzing transformative healing impacts for our Earth.

A carbon sequestration project on a mission.

This technology is being developed with the leadership of Indigenous coastal communities in Alaska, who have been farming kelp for generations. Our partner, Native Conservancy, is a Native-run, Native-led organization founded in 2003; they have made regenerative kelp farming a central focus, exploring everything from kelp-farm-in-a-box kits to recipes for pickled kelp. This knowledge survives because of the stewardship of the dAXunhyuu (the Eyak people) and other Alaskan Native groups. Our vision is to deeply partner with these communities to create lucrative jobs manufacturing cutting edge kelp-tech in coastal native Alaskan villages, through regenerative kelp farming, and from the sale of high-quality carbon credits.

Interested in funding us?

We are always looking for individuals or institutions who share our vision and want to support our work. Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll be in touch!